Trauma and Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Orthopedic physiotherapy is a specialized area within physiotherapy that focuses on the precise evaluation, diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal injuries. Musculoskeletal injuries are injuries to joints, muscles, bones, soft tissues and/or nerves. The most common pathologies treated are neck and back pain, and shoulder, hip and knee injuries.
We treat patients with a wide range of traumatic injuries. In short, we treat:
Fractures. Shoulder dislocations. Knee and hip prostheses. Amputees. Neck, back and spine pain. Whiplash injuries. Headaches (Migraine, headaches and vertigo). Discogenic lesions ‘herniated disc’. Sciatica. Back and neck problems related to posture. Chronic pain. Motor control. Exercises for cervical rectification. Disc protrusion, Sinusitis, Coxygodynia, Ligament injuries (sprains, tears).Muscle injuries.Cartilage injuries.Dislocations.Fractures.Joint degeneration (arthritis, osteoarthritis).Back pathologies.Injuries that require surgery (preoperative and postoperative).
If you have any questions please contact us +34 649 22 42 40